Posts tagged #wellness economy


It’s been the year of research at Spa Wellness HQ, so we thought we would share a little of the information we have garnered from extensive hours of online research on Travel Trends in 2019.


This group of young people are the trend-setting ones. They influence fashion, travel and lifestyle more than you can imagine – they’re also the fastest growing segment of consumers when it comes to travel. They probably want to make a difference in the world. They want to enrich their life through meaningful experiences, e.g. connecting with nature and other cultures. Female travellers seem to be the dominant ones in the millennial segment. According to Forbes, millennials—now the largest generation by population—are the driving force behind the rapid growth of the wellness market, with 78 percent of millennials choosing to spend money on experiences rather than “stuff.”


Adventure is a word on the rise in the travel industry. Not only do travellers wish to learn a new sport while traveling; many of us also wish to improve a certain skill, e.g. wind surfing, hiking or yoga practice. Being physically active is a big plus for modern-day travellers, who are bored with chilling on the beach and playing tourists all day.


We care more and more about the authentic travel experience than the facilities we have when arriving to a new destination. “What could enrich my life right now?” seem to be a question many travellers ask themselves these days. Modern technology connects us more than ever to the world around us, yet we’re more emotionally disconnected than ever. More people feel secluded and lonely, which is perhaps why they crave authentic travel experiences and want to engage with traditional cultures around the world.


The less explored destinations such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, Chile, Columbia and Jamaica as well as African and Eastern European countries are hotter than ever.


A rapidly growing business is currently being built around outdoor recreational activities as shown by the booming US outdoor recreation industry, which now amounts to USD 887 billion per year (in 2016: USD 184.5 billion in products and USD 702 in trip and travel spending). This contributes to GDP growth in a “clean” and non-divisive way, without inflicting damage to any human being, the environment or anything else. It is the best personal/societal investment we can make as it costs nothing, is readily available, and improves our productivity, health and cognitive functioning.
